Every year we conduct
several great evangelical campaigns around the country, often in partnership with other evangelists, pastors and churches. Jesus Christ is always the central person of our campaigns, and we preach Him as “And the Word (was made flesh, and) dwelt among us” and His death, burial, and above all, that He has risen and is alive today! We lift up and preach Jesus as Lord, we preach the Gospel with accompanying signs and wonders and demonstrate the power of this Gospel
Tens of thousands of people receive salvation and we provide them with follow-up materials and help them to find a living church where they live.’
A campaign usually lasts for five days, Wednesday to Sunday, with big crowds gathering every night. During the day we have different teaching sessions in a local church where pastors, leaders and every Christian are invited. A campaign is planned six months in advance and with two months of active preparation. There is a lot of work and a lot of money needed, about $25,000. Would you like to help us to fund these campaigns? CLICK HERE

To plant pioneer churches in the most unreached places of the Ethiopian countryside
Together we will plant many new pioneer churches in the Ethiopian countryside and remote areas.
- Under the leadership of Pastor Belay, we seek and identify people who have a call, are assigned and have a vision to plant churches.
- We teach them in the Word of God and train them to preach in church building. We prioritize places where the needs are the greatest, to where we then send them.
- We provide you with regular information. We will evaluate after two years.
- Two possible scenarios, depending on the situation:
- The pioneer era is over and the pastor is now to live according to church tithing.
- We will send the first pioneer pastor to a new pioneer site and install a local pastor.